Thursday, May 8, 2008

Spring Reading Thing Update

Katrina at Callapidder Days is hosting the Spring Reading Challenge and reminds us here that we are halfway through already! It's gone by quickly and enjoyably for me. Looking back at my original post with my goals for the challenge, I've done well and would say I'm a little more than halfway through. I had 9 books already on my shelf and have read 6 of them so far. Of the 6 other books I intended to read, I've read 3 and have two waiting in the wings so to speak lol. I need to catch up on my reviews posts...I'm sure everyone is just so curious as to what I think of the books I read so far lol. Well, I sure hope there is a Summer reading challenge, because I went to my library's book sale and now have many more books on my shelf. Happy continued reading.

1 comment:

  1. Have you thought about joining Fiction IN Rather Short Takes Wild Card Group? You can pick the books you would like to participate in. They have several interesting ones coming up, plus they are free.
    It sounds as if you are doing great on the reading challenge.


Thanks for stopping by!