Sunday, August 23, 2009

School Photos


We were out of town this week so I’m late with this one.  That’s okay, as I was able to get “school photos” of the boys…at Disney World!

IMG_2283 Reese, known here as ds4.  He is 4yo and will be doing My Father’s World Kindergarten this year.  He is my sensitive sweetie, who loves to act big like his brothers but still tells me he loves me several times a day. :)

IMG_2332 Andy, known here as ds3.  He is 8yo and starting 3rd grade this year.  He is truly one of a kind.  He loves Webkinz and Legos and wanted me to state for the record that he hates school.  ;)

IMG_2335 Alex, known here as ds2.  He is actually starting his freshman year at the public high school.  He is a computer whiz, an artist extraordinaire, and an all around great kid.  I will miss him!

IMG_2333 Me!  Julie, known here as mom.  I am in love with that man standing next to me btw. 

So there you go!  The crew is all ready so let’s start the show!


  1. Good looking family for sure! Hope you have a great school year.


  2. You have a great looking family and school photos at Disney World, now that's just neat!! No fair you live you so close!! :)


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