Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Party Treats

Here are some of the recipes I used for the party.  First up is Halloween Party Mix.  Make this only if you are prepared to a.) do extra workouts or b.) gain 10 pounds.  Seriously.  This stuff is delicious and addictive. 

exps9265_TH10010C64 I made it the day before the party and stored it in ziplock bags.  I can vouch that it keeps very well as I was still snacking on this stuff a week later.  ;)  Click on the pic to be taken to the recipe.

Our main course for the party was chicken wings, but I set out some finger foods as well.  These Bone Slices were easy to mix up but quite tasty.  Click on the pic for the recipe.

exps34110_THH963636D11 I spread four tortillas with a simple but yummy crab filling and it made quite a few appetizers.  I made the filling the day before and chilled it in the fridge.  The morning of the party I spread the filling on the tortillas and wrapped them in plastic wrap.  I sliced and arranged them on a platter to look like a spine about a half hour before guests arrived.

I set out both a fruit and veggie platter, but each had fun twists for Halloween.  The biggest hit on the fruit platter?  Strawberry Ghosts.

exps37601_SD1191049D1E There were absolutely no leftovers with these babies.  Simple to make but delish and oh too cute.  I made them the night before the party and they kept well in the fridge until the next day.

The veggie platter was gussied up with carrots made to look like fingers.

carrot-finger-food-halloween-recipe-photo-260-FF1002HWEENA11 Again, very simple and cute.  Along with the fingers I set out some broccoli and grape tomatoes on tray.

Now on to the sweet treats!  I made three types of cookies.  As I chronicled in my live blogging posts, I made up some no bake cookies and simply pressed a candy corn on top to make them more festive.  I also whipped up a batch of Nutter Butter Ghosts, simply dipping Nutter Butter cookies in white chocolate and adding mini chocolate chip facial features.  Lastly, and star of the treat table, were Witches Fingers.

274181 These were made with a basic wedding cookie dough tinted a light green.  After chilling the dough, shape small bits into logs, pinch to make knuckles, press with fork tines to make lines and press an almond slice at the end for fingernails.  After baking, if some of the nails fall off simply affix them back on with red decorating gel or a red jelly.  It will ooze and look like blood!

IMG_2230 Here is a pic of my treat table at the party.  No bake cookies on the left, witches fingers and nutter butter ghosts in the middle and cupcakes all around!  I made 2 batches of cupcakes and decorated them all differently.  The cookies are displayed on regular platters just covered with black tissue paper for effect.  Next post will be pics of all the party fun!


  1. I LOVE IT! We are having a party this Saturday evening and I am thinkng about making many of your treats. You are so creative that I am not sure I can duplicate what you did.

  2. Slurp. This is so unfair. going for a swim.


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