Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Looking out the window to the past...

After seeing Chrissy's (a.k.a. Mamasmurf) pictures of the view from her favorite windows, I had a flood of memories from when dh and I were first married. He was in the military and we were living in England. These pics are actually of our second house there, in a little town called Sawtry. We had a sliding glass door in the living room that led outside to the backyard. Behind our house there was a big field in front of the school. The first pic shows the view in the winter, the second shows me sitting in the living room with the window behind me, and the third shows the view in warmer weather. I know the pics are tiny, but they are from 1988 folks, and scanned...that's the best I could do. Oh, I hope someday we can take the kids over to see where we started our little family! Ds1 was born in England (though not at that house.) I think the base dh was stationed at has shut down, or at the very least is not a military institution any more. I am so thankful that we had that opportunity in our lives to live in another country.

1 comment:

  1. Those are neat pictures. I would love to visit England sometime. DD is having oral surgery tomorrow, so I am going to be doing lots of reading during surgery. It won't be as much fun as stretched out in nice sunny Florida. lol


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