Thursday, April 24, 2008

Green Hour Challenge: Time To Draw

Today we completed assignment #3 for the Green Hour Challenge. We went on a brief nature walk down our street and returned to draw some pages for a nature journal.

Ds3 found this tree interesting. We noted how it provides nice shade (it was a hot morning lol.)

Ds4 stopped to admire some wildflowers by the roadside. He liked the color and feel.

Ds2 brought along a garbage bag to pick trash up along the way! What a great kid. He had planned on doing this on Earth Day, but he was sick. Now he plans on doing this on every nature walk we take.

All three of the boys drew interesting scenes to add to our nature journal, and I'd hoped to show them but my scanner is acting up...maybe next week. Here are some quotes from their pages. The 3yo; "I saw on a nature walk some nice roly polys." The 7yo; "A good nature walk is fun. It has roly polys, trees and bark." (I sense a theme here with the roly polys lol.) I hope we will be able to continue the assignments through the summer, although today's walk gave us just a little hint of the heat to come...our future walks will probably have to happen early in the morning or later in the evening to combat that. To check out more Green Hour Challenge participants or to join in yourself, click here!

1 comment:

  1. I can hardly believe it is hot where you live....we are still cool on our side of the continent.

    I think your boys are very good observers and they will only learn to love nature more and more as time goes by.

    Early morning is such a beautiful time to be outdoors. In the summer we need to get up early to have our garden time before the sun gets too hot.

    Thanks for sharing and tell your son I am proud of him for picking up litter. Way to go.

    Barb-Harmony Art Mom


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