Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Another Year Gone By

Whew, done, over, finished, filed away, packed up (well not yet but I can dream) complete, moving on, wrapped up, the end.  The boys had their evals yesterday and I high tailed the paperwork to the school board offices.  Ds2’s 8th grade and ds3’s 2nd grade years are officially official.   GREAT BIG HUGE SIGH OF RELIEF.  Why is it that I never feel right until that paperwork is signed and out of my house?  Now I feel light as a feather and ready to seriously plan our next year.  And note to self…when you are reading this post later this year please remember that awful feeling and STOP PUTTING IT OFF!  GET THE EVALS DONE EARLY AND START ENJOYING YOUR SUMMER EARLIER DUMMY!  GEESH.

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