Tuesday, March 30, 2010

A Day At The Zoo

and I don’t mean my house!  Ds2 has his spring break this week so we took a trip to the zoo.  This zoo is small and has had some problems the past few years.  It never really recovered after hurricane Ivan and closed down but thankfully was bought and reopened last month.  It’s not completely up to par yet, but they are working on it.

IMG_6476 My boys liked any and all animals that were related in any way to monkeys.  These ring-tailed lemurs were entertaining.

IMG_6477 This one posed with his rear end facing us for about 10 minutes lol!

IMG_6514 The petting zoo…sorry guys, we didn’t fork over the 3 bucks for food.

IMG_6510 C’mon kid, make with the food!

IMG_6520 “One of these things is not like the other…”  There were baby ducks in with guinea pigs.  I don’t know why, either.

IMG_6529 My monkeys.  Just be thankful they posed facing front.

IMG_6555 There were peacocks everywhere!  I have tons of shots like this and then finally…

IMG_6567 Now that’s what we paid for!  I’m going to save the rest for another post so check back tomorrow!  Oh and look on the sidebar, I now have a button…it’s super cute so go ahead and snag one.  :)


  1. Great pictures! How exciting and fun that must have been.

  2. Agree with Cindy; great pictures.
    Love the peacock.


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