Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Cats On Tuesday: Smokey Vs The Shoe


Smokey has a love/hate thing going on with one of my shoes.

IMG_7036 What?  I’m just sitting here with the shoe.  Nothing to see, move on.

IMG_7037 Oh shoe, I thought she’d never leave!  Now we can cuddle.

IMG_7040 Gasp!  Caught in the act!

IMG_7041 Don’t worry Mom, just attacking this shoe for you, me and my man-cat self.

IMG_7042 This relationship is too much work!  I’m outta here.

For more kitty fun, head over to Gattina’s and have a Happy COT!


  1. Maybe the shoe didn's smell good enough ! Arthur loves shoes especially expensive leather once !

  2. MOL! My kitties love socks, used socks! I wonder why they liked it so much!

  3. One person's old shoe is another's true love.

  4. Smokey, you are such a dear to help mom break in the shoe for her! :)

  5. Are you sure you aren't part dog?

  6. The shoe is in love with Smokey!!!

  7. Amber has a shoe thing going on, too--especially when they are on people's feet. She rolls all over them!

  8. Did you walk through cat nip??? That would be a
    reason why Smokey finds your shoe so attractive!

  9. Oooh the smellier the better. And if it isn't smelly, then imported leather always works :-) Just love the way cats get away with everything!

  10. Lol! Sassie loves to stick her head in peoples shoes. I can't understand it. The smellier the better.


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