Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cats On Tuesday


Remember we got new furniture?  Well, dh is not too fond of kitties on it so he told me to buy the cats their own beds.  Now, I know my kitties.  They just aren’t the “sleep in a cat bed” type of cats.  They’ve tasted the freedom of cuddling with Mom wherever she may be and they aren’t going to change their ways.  But, we gave it a try.

IMG_2887 Look, Katy, a new bed just for you!

IMG_2888 She took one look at it…

IMG_2896 and promptly cuddled up on the shoe laying nearby.

IMG_2889 Mimi investigates the new bed next.

IMG_2898 She thought it over,

IMG_2900 and cuddled up on the recliner (at least it’s the old recliner, we haven’t yet gotten a new one of those lol.)  And just how did my foot get in the pic?

Then one morning I tossed the cat bed on top of ds3’s bed, walked by a few moments later and lo and behold…


IMG_2901 Katy was in it!  Success!  Well, success as much as the cats will allow lol.  They do occasionally sleep in the bed, but mostly still prefer the human beds and furniture.  But I guess it’s a start.  :)

For more kitty fun, head over to Gattina’s, and Happy COT!


  1. Such cute pictures! My post today is all about beds too.
    We have new furniture ordered and I am already worried about the cats claws.

  2. Hmm cuddle up on the shoes is breathtaking! :)
    I also love to do that! mOL
    Katy is a doll, love her bed!
    and happy Tuesday

  3. That's the same here, all cats sleep everywhere in the house, mostly of course on beds or sofas, only Rosie loves to sleep in a catbed from time to time.

  4. Same here as well. When I first brought Luna home, I got her a little cat bed. She took to it right away...until she discovered the rest of the house and then she rarely ever sat in it again.

  5. Emma's kitty bed is on top of our bed. She uses it during the day time, but sleeps with me during the night.


  6. MOL! This how my kitties use a kitty bed!! Now the DOG bed, that is a different story, many a time a poor basset has found a kitty in his bed. (and wisely LEFT the kitty alone to sleep:)

  7. Cute! The new bed looks very comfy. Our cats prefer the doggies bed or the sofa.

  8. My mom is laughing :)
    She recognize that she said :)
    I don´t have a clue what she is talking about ;-)

  9. Yep I think Katy will like her new bed and she'll get used to it soon! Maybe she's trying if it's soft or not hahaha.Well kitties are just too picky when it comes to bed. Ho hum.

  10. LOL! So typical of cats, ours have a collection of various beds - now in cupboards - that they never use.


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