Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Homeschool Planning: Getting There


I did get to continue planning last night and have started ds2's lesson plans.  I have his math plans finished through December and the lessons for the first book he will read.  My stupid printer (don't tell it I said that, they are very sensitive ;)) is almost out of ink AGAIN and I really don't have the money to shell out for ink this week!  This will put a crimp in my planning for sure.  I also probably won't finish all the planning this week as hoped, since the items I ordered online won't be here until next week.  But I still feel like I am making good progress.  My ultimate goal is to have plans put in place for all three boys in all subjects through December.  Why plan so far ahead you may ask?

As a "veteran" homeschooler (that's what people have been calling me when I mention that we're starting our 10th year.  I need to remember to wear the tag like a badge of honor, not another reminder that I am old) I know all too  well that life gets in the way of homeschooling.  A lot.  And that you can find out a month into things that the curriculum choice you made doesn't work for your child.  And for me, having plans made up several months in advance really helps get us through these challenges.  And keeps me somewhat sane.

So, anyone else in the planning stages?  How long does it take you?  How far in advance do you plan?  Will you come over and help me?  Just asking lol.

1 comment:

  1. I'm planning our first "real" school year. Since it is the first year we have used a "real" curriculum. I have a 1st grader, a second year Kinder, 2 preKs and a Totschooler. I also have just taken on my neice and nephew who are 6th and 8th graders (roughly). So I have a lot of planning to do! I have everything done but Science, since I am waiting on that to come in. And then just gathering it all together, which is waiting on whether we get to move or not.
    Anyway, I said all of that to say, I have no advice, but I sure am enjoying hearing about your planning! :)


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