Monday, June 29, 2009

Book Review: Love In The Time Of Cholera

Finished Love In The Time of Cholera. Not my cup of tea, sorry. I mean, it's a well written book, the author is definitely an excellent storyteller. I guess it's just not my type of story? I could not connect with the characters, they changed every two minutes. She loves him, no she loves him, no she loves no one, she's poor and likes it, she's rich and likes it, she likes her life, she runs away from her life...give me a break!!!  He pines for her and decides to wait until she is available for him…in the meantime he has so many affairs and trysts that it fills three journals?   And the “long winded jump to and from every little event” way the story flowed made it soooo arduous to read. But if you skip? You will miss something big. One sentence in the middle of an obscure side story that turns out to be important to the plot will sure enough be there. And I could not wrap my head around the descriptions of the different settings.  The areas are the most beautiful, elaborate places but still overflowing with garbage, sewage, and the people are ravaged by disease.  Well, which is it?   So in the end, I'm glad I read it but I won't be reading it again.  Do I recommend it?  If you are looking for a deep, meaningful, read?  Sure, go for it.  You won’t be sorry.  It’s one of those soon to be classic books that every serious reader should indulge in.  It’s one that will be dissected by more English majors in college classes than people involved in casual book clubs.  I admit the book is still churning around in my thoughts days after reading it.  Despite all that, I can’t put it in my favorite pile just yet.

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