Sunday, June 13, 2010

Homeschool 2010 Week One


Ladies and gentlemen, for the first time ever, I present to you, OUR FAMILY HOMESCHOOLING YEAR ROUND!  Yes you are correct, I probably am crazy, but nonetheless I have my reasons (none of which my kiddos seem to grasp well) and hence here follows a report on our first week of the “new” school year…barely a month after the “old” year ended.  How’s THAT for new math?

We started our study of Antarctica by watching a Netflix movie about Earnest Shackleton and his journey there.  I found a neat teachers guide with lots of interesting activities for the boys to do here.

Ds4 and I reviewed his grasp of ABC’s and 123’s.  His theme for Social Studies this week is “All About Me.”  I had him look in my bedroom mirror and describe himself, then draw a self-portrait.

IMG_0283 It was absolutely adorable to hear him describe his features and then see him glance in the mirror as he was drawing.  (Why is there always a Wii remote nearby with this boy???)

We have begun our Story of the World adventure!  For a glimpse of archaeology and how it is used to uncover history, I broke one of my plates, buried the pieces and had the boys go dig it up and piece it back together…uh, can you say “boy heaven?”

IMG_0302 IMG_0304

Ds3 made his own personal timeline, starting with his birth.  I think this was an excellent exercise and a great introduction to timelines in general (the Shackleton lesson plans had a timeline of their journey as well, so the subject was well covered.)  I am still deciding what kind of timeline I want to do with the boys (on the wall, in a book, on the computer) but I definitely want to add one to our schooling this year.

Sad to say that is all I could find on the old memory card of our week.  It was kinda short anyway as we had some appointments and obligations toward the end of it, but I know we will get going better this coming week.  Any learnin’ is good learnin’, right?  :)


  1. Awesome idea about burying a plate of your own. I might have to go to the dollar store to buy them a plate. lol We'll be starting a little touch of archeology in our studies for history next school year.

  2. Now that's a good idea! :) How cool that you are doing Story of the World, but it's no fair that we are a few weeks ahead of you, so I can't steal your ideas. :(

  3. This sounds like fun. What do you do for science classes? Do you borrow a local lab?

  4. We have done year round schooling in the past. It has worked well for us in different seasons of our homeschooling. ~Tess (from the Crew)

  5. I love the idea of burying a broken plate. My boys would absolutely love that...

  6. I love the broken plate. That is truly boy heaven. I think it is great you are making year round schooling work for you. This is one year that I am truly glad to say I have a couple of months off though!


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