Wednesday, January 5, 2011

TOS Review: Math Facts Now


Math Facts Now! is a math program developed by a homeschooling father of nine, to help his children quickly and efficiently master their math facts.  Math Facts Now! is a program with no cartoons and fluff and plenty of parental control over content and lessons.  With it you can customize different lessons in addition, subtraction, multiplication and division for your students.  The program is designed to help students develop instant recall of math facts.

When you begin the program you enter a student’s name and click on Start a Lesson.  In the Create a New Lesson area, you pick which math concept your student needs work in and how many numbers the lesson will cover…for example, multiplication facts for all numbers through 12 or just 2’s and 5’s.  You then customize the number of problems, how long the student has to respond and how many times the student must re-enter an incorrect answer. 

mf2 This is a unique and helpful feature imo.  Having the child type out the full correct answer to missed problems really helps with retention.

mf3 Another unique feature of Math Facts Now! is that it “remembers” which problems your child has trouble with…see the “be careful!” prompt to the left of the problem?  It’s there because the student answered the problem incorrectly before.

Once you set up lessons, your student can easily access them and work with this program on their own.  However you can keep careful track of their work and progress in each lesson with printable detailed lesson results.











This is just an example.  I promise I do know what 12x4 is.  ;)  I set up both my 10yo and 6yo with this program, the older boy with mainly multiplication review and the younger with addition facts.  Both boys balked at this program in the beginning.  They are used to computer work that is more like playing games than drilling facts.  We stuck it out and they adjusted to the work.  One feature that really helped with the transition?  The “reward” option.  When you are setting up a lesson you can create a reward for the child when they finish the lesson.  For ds3 I would make the reward some extra time on the computer.  For ds4 the phrase, “You may have a sucker” was all the incentive he needed.  :)  Just to note, the program is recommended for grades K-6, but my 6yo 1st grader needed my assistance with the typing.  I had him say the problem out loud as I typed for his missed answers.

CD_pic Math Facts Now! is available on cd for $15.95 plus $3.95 S/H, or for download for just $15.95.  It is an affordable and effective program for learning math facts for any school aged child.  You can download a free trial version here.

I received a download of Math Facts Now! to facilitate this review and no other compensation.  To see what other TOS Crewmembers thought of this program, click on the banner below.



  1. Julie, does this program offer just skill sets for memorization, or does it teach with some examples as well?


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