Sunday, June 7, 2009

My Father’s World Kindergarten: First Week

Well, technically it was the first 4 days, but let’s not be picky.  We would have done day 5 on Friday, but dh was unexpectedly called out of town for the day and we went with him.  Gotta love the flexibility of homeschooling. :)

I am happy to report that both ds4 and I love the MFW Kindergarten curriculum!  It is easy and fun and just challenging enough for my 4yo.  I am glad I incorporated it into the workbox system as well.  It helps both of us see what we will do and in what order each day.


So far for our sun unit we have painted a sun and made a pattern with the rays, made a paper plate/handprint sun craft and studied some famous paintings featuring the sun.  We also made a simple sundial and used the globe to clarify some misconceptions about the sun and day/night (you know, the whole “the sun goes away and the moon comes up bit.”  :)  Ds really enjoys the tactile activities for practicing writing the letter s…his favorite this week was writing with chalk on the sidewalk and using play-doh.



So so far so good!  We will finish up our S/sun unit this week and delve right into the next unit.  Happy campers we are. :)

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